The Holeshot Read online

Page 28

  After that, Davey would be in training for the entire offseason. He’d invited a few other riders in addition to Tate to come train with him and Tate was bringing his boyfriend this time. Tyler was silently happy about that. He hadn’t liked openly gay Tate training so closely with Davey. Not that he didn’t trust his man, but he knew things happened when you least expected them. Tyler chuckled, thinking about how he and Davey started their relationship in the first place.

  Tim and Brad with his Princeton contract finally over would also both be there training the racers and he suspected Angel and Stewart would be around more often than not. Tyler would be kept busy keeping the bikes in shape and learning to work the track, but he’d get some riding time in also. That had him almost more excited than the wedding did. Davey would be going to Jacksonville again also. It had helped so much last time, and his year Tyler would be going with him. He’d get to see it all. Tagging along with Davey would also get him in the best shape of his life by the time the race season started up again.

  In the meantime, Janie helped him decorate the large conference room at the hotel for the reception. Apex had sent in a truckload of alcohol. They’d ordered a cake from the best bakery in Denver. It would be arriving in the morning. The hotel would be providing the rest of the food. They would be married at a park on the north side of Greely. After the reception, they were taking the limo to a nice hotel in Denver. Then, flying out to who knew where the next day.

  “What’s wrong, Ty?” Janie asked.

  He shook his head. “Nothing. Fucking nothing. My life is perfect. I’m so fucking nervous.” He sat down on the floor, feeling like his head was spinning.

  “Last minute jitters already?” She sat down and tossed a roll of white streamer at him. “Relax. This place looks great. We have everything else ready. All you have to do now is relax and enjoy it.”

  “And be nervous. I can’t believe this.” He put his head between his knees.

  “Come on, drama queen. Enough of that! Let’s get back to the house.”

  “You’re just worried about leaving Danny with your family.” She’d brought her boyfriend to meet the folks. They were getting serious. Tyler was happy for her but couldn’t resist teasing. “He is pretty cute, though.”

  She tossed another streamer at him. “Fuck off, Romeo. Let’s go!”

  The next morning ushered in a whirlwind of activity: tuxedos, dresses, fancy hairstyles, limos. They were at the park and the weather was perfect, sunny but not too hot. The press swarmed them. Tyler was so thankful Apex gave them a budget for security. He didn’t know how he felt about his wedding to Davey being splashed across the motocross world. They’d even made national news. How could his wedding, a private affair, be on the national news?

  It all happened too fast. Tyler felt panic rising up his throat. His heart pounded so hard he thought it would bust out of his chest and splatter out right there on the walkway.

  Tyler and Davey both wore white tuxes with black bows and cummerbunds. Stewart and Brad wore black tuxes with white bows. Angel and Janie both had silky black and white dresses on. He’d let Janie and Angel pick them out. He didn’t care, as long as they matched. He even let them carry flowers, though neither he nor Davey would. Stewart stood at the front as the best man. He had the rings. They walked up to the podium together. They had a friend of his mom’s officiating.

  He could barely listen to what the man said. He wasn’t sure he spoke in the right places. He could only stare into Davey’s deep blue eyes, hold his hand, and hope the panic didn’t suffocate him.

  Davey put his hands on either side of Tyler’s face, commanding his attention. “Tyler,” he said, staring into Tyler’s eyes as if he were the only person left on earth and maybe in that moment, he was. Davey chuckled and rubbed his thumb against Tyler’s cheek. “The first time I saw you. Ha! You know when.” Davey winked, referring back to Tyler’s twenty-first birthday when he ended up in Davey’s bed, practically naked. He had literally been thrown at the man. Davey continued with a soft smile. “From that moment I saw you, I knew you were special. You were like my holeshot. I’m so glad I took it. Together, we’ll always leap to the front and take what we want from life. I love you. More than anything, Ty. You’re everything to me. Everything.” Davey started choking up on those last words and why not? They’d made Tyler’s eyes sting. He couldn’t hold back all of the tears, as a few of them escaped down his cheek and onto Davey’s hands.

  Tyler had not been expecting those words. He had not written any vows and he had no idea what to say. He opened his mouth, but nothing would come out. He cleared his throat and grabbed on to Davey’s waist, rubbing his thumbs over Davey’s cummerbund. “So much for being the bold one,” he said softly. Davey chuckled, but no one else did; they probably hadn’t even heard his words, he spoke so quietly. Tyler needed to speak up, though because this was his moment. “I love you.” He shook his head, laughing at himself. “I’m too…” he breathed out. “I don’t know. I just love you. We’ve been through a lot, but I’d do it all again in a heartbeat if it meant I got to be your husband. Never thought I’d want that, this, something like this with anyone. But, you’ve just made it perfect, Davey. Not just this wedding, but my life. You’re the best and I just love you. That’s all I’ve got.” Tyler shrugged and Davey pulled him in for a tight hug.

  The next thing he knew, Davey kissed him hard. That was the best part. That was the one thing he was certain to remember for the rest of his life.

  Davey kissed him for the first time as Tyler’s husband.


  Lying on their stomachs, side by side, facing the water, they watched the tide roll in and out in a steady rhythm like a clock that ticked just a bit off beat. It made Tyler think of one of Dali’s melting monstrosities, maybe that’s how they would sound, ticking like the surf rolling in with a whoosh and out with a soft tock.

  Davey had picked out a gay friendly all inclusive tropical resort where the beaches were white sugar, the water azure blue and the drinks cold and strong. Tyler wanted to stay there forever. It had been so easy to ignore the rest of the world. They’d been snorkeling and exploring and lying on the beach for two weeks. This was their last day.

  They would be flying back to New Mexico and Davey would be training for the next season. Tyler was almost as excited about it as his husband. The next season would be grand, and if Davey took the championship again, he would probably retire.

  They’d talked about their future. Davey wanted to spend a considerable amount of time this next season looking at 250 riders to bring up to the big bikes. He wanted to pick two to get started with their own team. Angel had been talking to Apex about it. They wanted only gay riders, but Davey and Tyler agreed they didn’t care about sexual orientation. They wanted to pick riders with potential that might not otherwise get a shot in the 450s. They didn’t want to discriminate against straight riders any more than Apex wanted any one discriminating against gays.

  It would be a great new challenge in any event and would keep Tyler leading the mechanic team. That mattered to him, almost more than anything else. Hopefully, with the new truce worked out with Cole Lindt and Parker Shannon still unable to find a team, they wouldn’t be worried about threats and harassment going forward. There would always be haters, but the Supercross officials and the KTM team seemed committed to making Supercross safe from the kinds of threats they dealt with this past season.

  Davey put his hand on Tyler’s back, sliding a finger inside the waistband of his trunks. “Let’s go back to the room, baby,” Davey said, his voice husky and filled with sexual desire.

  “Mm. Anything, as long as you keep calling me baby.”

  “Baby! Baby! Baby! Let’s go.”

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  Lynn Michaels lives and writes in Tampa, Florida where the sun is hot and the Sangria is cold. Lynn is the newest addition to Rubicon Fiction, and she loves reading a
nd writing about hot men in love.

  Visit and LIKE on FaceBook at:

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  Lines On The Mirror

  Martin has always done everything his parents ever asked, never making waves, but never learning how to say no either. Then his new partying neighbors introduce him to a different lifestyle that pushes his limits.

  The only thing keeping him grounded is getting back in touch with his first love, Daltrey who moved across the country when they were still teenagers. Now, he’s a successful artist and plays by his own rules. He wants Martin but won’t compromise his morals.

  When Martin lets his new friends drag him down until he hits bottom, can he ever find his way back to Daltrey and take control of his life?