The Holeshot Page 27
“And wreck him on the track,” Tyler growled. He wasn’t anywhere ready to forgive Cole. Not for hurting Davey.
“That was Shannon too. He seriously had it in for you guys. Honestly, he thought you were trying to turn everyone in Supercross gay or something.”
Tyler and Davey burst out laughing and spoke at the same time. “As if,” Tyler said.
“Like that’s possible,” Davey said.
Cole threw his hands up. “I said Parker thought that, not me,” then Cole laughed a little too. “Anyway, like I said. I’m done with that.”
“You’d do better to focus on racing and not on what you have or don’t have compared to others. That’s just a waste of time, Cole,” Davey said, standing up and reaching his hand out to Cole.
Cole hesitated just a brief second before taking it and shaking Davey’s hand with a quick pump. “You know that’s hard to take from the millionaire orphan.”
“I’d trade all the millions in the world just to have my dad back for one more day.”
Cole hung his head.
“Just think about it,” Davey added.
Cole nodded and left without acknowledging Tyler at all. He was right about one thing: they still weren’t friends. “That guy’s a dick. That’s all.”
“Yeah, but he’s going to leave us alone now.”
“How can you be sure?”
Davey pulled Tyler into his arms and ran his hands up and down Tyler’s back. “Because your law suit is still hanging over their heads and ultimately KTM will kick him to the curb if he fucks up again.”
“That shouldn’t be the only thing,” Tyler mumbled, nuzzling his face into Davey’s chest.
“I know, but it is what it is. I’ll take what we got from him.”
After a few quick kisses, they made their way to the pits. The Main Event was going to start soon, and they had to get ready. Mickey had the bike cleaned up and the tires changed by the time they got there. “What’s up Mickey?” Tyler wandered over to where he squatted next to the bike, adding a sponsor decal.
“Just finishing up Mai Tai.”
Tyler groaned. “I told you not to call me that, dude.”
Mickey just laughed. “You ready, Davey? This bike is going to be screaming on that track.”
“Yeah. I plan on winning.”
Tyler loved Davey’s confidence. It helped him feel more confident too, because despite what Cole had said earlier, nothing had ever come easy in Tyler’s life. He grew up the gay boy in a small town. He’d been picked on and pushed around. He knew what that was like and he’d hid his sexuality in his professional life because of it. That made him resent people like Cole even more. Cole was nothing but a bully, jealous over what other people had, when he should have been enjoying what he had. Tyler didn’t get how one of the top Supercross racers could be jealous of a mechanic. Tyler had learned early in life to be thankful for what you have. Davey had learned that too, obviously, because he wasn’t a spoiled brat at all. “Thanks, Mickey. Good work,” he said, wanting to let his friend know he was appreciated.
“No problem, boss man.”
“Boss man?”
“Well, you didn’t like Mai Tai.”
Tyler growled and popped Mickey lightly on the shoulder. “How would you like it if I called you Mickey Mouse?”
“Whatever. But not very original.”
They were still cutting up when Angel and Stewart came around the corner. “News!” Angel called out. “Princeton let Stewart out of his contract.”
Tyler hooted and jumped up and down. Davey gave Stewart a big hug. “Welcome back, old man!”
Angel had been working with the Apex lawyers all season to get him out of the non-compete contract early so he could officially be on the team. He’d moved in with Angel and sold his house to offset the lack of income, but now they could put him on payroll. Although, he probably would continue living with Angel. They were just genuinely good together. “This is great. What happened to change their minds?” Tyler asked.
Angel shrugged. “I guess they saw how we were handling KTM and not backing down from anything. Maybe they just wanted to focus on other things. Who knows?”
After a little more celebrating, Angel asked about Cole and Davey gave her the quick version of what happened. They all agreed to be satisfied with that. Tyler didn’t know if he felt satisfied, but he didn’t intend to push the issue unless Cole broke his word. With Davey sitting first in points and only five more races after this one, he chose to focus on what was important, Davey and the bike.
Tyler woke to hot breath in his ear sending chills down his spine. “Happy Birthday, Sleeping Beauty!” Davey panted in his ear. Defused sunlight splashed in through the slats in the blinds, but the room still felt dark and cozy, smelling of sweat and spunk. They hadn’t cleaned up well from the night before when Tyler had come all over the sheets. He moaned at the memory, and tried to roll closer to Davey’s warm skin, wanting more.
“No. You have to get up, Birthday Boy. Angel has breakfast going.” Davey seemed to love having a full house. After being alone for so long, Tyler couldn’t blame him. His beautiful home once again had a family. Tyler was happy for Davey, but he loved it too. He’d been close to his family and close to his best friend Janie and he missed them. Having his race family at The Ranch helped. Angel and Stewart were the only two guests at the time, taking up one of the four guest rooms on the other side of the house.
“I smell pancakes,” Tyler moaned.
“Yeah, baby. Then we’re going to have surprises!” He kissed down Tyler’s neck.
“I don’t need anything. Just you, Davey.”
Davey pushed Tyler over on his back and blew a huge raspberry on his stomach, making Tyler laugh. “But, you’re going to get surprises. Now come on.”
“How about we start with a birthday blowjob?” Tyler teased, grabbing his cock and giving it a stroke to wake it up.
“Later, baby.” Davey slid to the edge of the bed and grabbed Tyler’s arm.
“But you called me baby. Davey, it’s my birthday. Suck me.”
“No. Brat. Come on. Angel has pancakes ready for you. Let’s go.”
With a growl Tyler rolled up to sitting and slung his feet to the floor, not wanting to disappoint everyone. “Fine. But, I better get a blowjob later.”
Davey laughed and tossed a T-shirt at him. “After you get your birthday surprises, you’re gonna want to give me a blow job.” That made Tyler laugh even more, as he pulled the shirt on and looked down at the Green Lantern emblem on the front. He almost never wore his own shirts anymore. Davey’s were a lot more fun and something about wearing his fiancé‘s clothes turned Tyler on.
After a few minutes of stuffing his face with hot pancakes, Angel started talking about the next race. There would be a press conference and they wanted Tyler to go with Davey to sign autographs. He wasn’t at all sure about that. “Mechanics don’t sign autographs. Fuck that.”
Stewart mumbled something around a mouthful of pancake.
“What?” Tyler and Davey asked at the same time. Tyler nudged Davey’s shoulder, and then leaned over and whispered, “Jinx you owe me a fuck.”
Davey started laughing until Stewart glared out him. “You two are like a couple of kids.” Stewart rolled his eyes. “I said, you’re famous. That’s the difference and Apex wants you to sign autographs, so you’ll do it.” He pointed his fork at Tyler.
Tyler considered teasing Stewart. Fun was fun, but he felt self-conscious about the autographs. “That just seems strange to me.”
“Listen, I sent some of the pictures we took at Dillon’s to,” Angel said. “A few print magazines have picked up some shots as well and Motocross World magazine is doing a spread on you two. You’re now the darlings of Supercross for crying out loud.”
“I’ve heard that before,” Tyler mumbled and stuffed another bite of pancake in his mouth. He didn’t want to share how much that made him feel like a gir
“Well, get used to it.” Angel shrugged. “Davey’s first in points and most likely going to win the Championship. So, everyone wants him and you’re his fiancé so everyone wants you too.”
Davey had only eaten half his plate of pancakes and shoved his food away from him. Tyler figured he wasn’t going to finish them and stabbed a bite from his fiancé‘s plate. Davey smiled and sipped his coffee looking content.
“Supercross hardly gave a damn about Regal’s fiancé after he proposed,” Tyler started to complain, but then the buzzer went off indicating someone was at the gate. He looked over at Davey, wide-eyed.
“I got that.” Davey jumped up and ran for the door. “It’s here! It’s here! Come on, Ty!” he yelled, flinging the door open after buzzing the visitor through the gate.
Tyler rolled his eyes and joined Davey in front of the house. Davey practically jumped up and down as a huge truck rumbled up the drive.
“What did you do, Davey?”
“Surprise, baby!”
The truck stopped and the driver had Davey sign his clip board as his passenger started opening up the back of the truck. A few minutes later, they’d dropped off and unwrapped a beautiful green and yellow Kawasaki KX450F. Bright neon green adorned the seat and the front fender. Bright yellow that matched the yellow highlights from Davey’s new Apex color scheme splashed across the front plate and trim.
“OhMyGod! Davey! Shit. This is a nine thousand dollar bike.”
“It’s customized. It cost more than ten.” Davey wiggled his eyebrows, clearly proud of himself.
The green and yellow bike looked like a sleek locus, and Tyler was dying to get it on the track or in the garage. He gripped the handlebars. “I can’t. This is too much,” he said, his voice catching in his throat.
Davey came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Tyler’s waist. “No, it’s not,” he breathed into Tyler’s ear. “It’s perfect. I owed you this.”
“No you didn’t.” He pulled away from the bike, turning in Davey’s arms and wrapped his arms around Davey’s neck. “I mean it. I love it.”
Davey tugged him into a kiss that tasted of coffee and syrup. He hoped for that kind of kiss every day. Davey pulled away and stared into Tyler’s eyes, as he watching his pupils swallow up the deep blue color as Davey’s eyes dilated. “Now, who gets the blowjob?”
Tyler laughed and pushed Davey away. “My birthday, remember?” He loved teasing his lover. The bike was awesome, but Davey was simply everything.
They spent the afternoon on the track breaking in the new bike, then later that evening, Angel and Stewart gave Tyler another present, two new sketchpads and a box of drawing pencils, nice ones that he’d never have bought for himself. He was overwhelmed at their generosity. They made him feel like family.
Another buzz at the front gate interrupted the evening. Tyler looked at Davey. “What else?”
Davey shook his head and went to the intercom. “Can I help you?” he said into the box.
“Special delivery for Tyler Whitmore,” the tinny voice answered through the speaker.
“Come on up,” Davey said, pressing the button that opened the gate.
“What’s this?” Tyler asked again.
“Don’t know. I just got you the bike.”
Tyler looked over to Stewart and Angel, but they both shook their heads. A UPS delivery truck stopped in the drive and they all walked outside. The driver wore the traditional brown shorts and button up shirt with work boots. Tyler thought he looked attractive with muscular calves, dark hair, and a nice smile. He held a box out and dropped it on the porch, extending his electronic clip board. “Can someone sign here, please?”
Tyler stepped forward and signed. “Thank you,” he said with a smile.
“My pleasure. Have a great day.” The UPS guy got back in the big brown truck and drove away.
Tyler squat down in front of the package. “It’s from Janie. Oh shit. I’m afraid to open it.” He brought it into the house and used a knife to cut into the packing tape. In a moment he had it open and stared into the box at a relatively large pink dildo. “Fuck!” He rubbed his hands over his face. Janie never failed to amuse him.
“Here’s a note,” Davey said, barely holding back the laughter and looking over Tyler’s shoulder at the toy.
Angel and Stewart gave each other strange looks. They probably wanted to see his gift, but Tyler had no intention of pulling it out. Instead, he read the note.
“Ty - I gave you one of these last year and it seemed to bring you luck. So, it was worth a repeat. Send me a pic when you open it!! Love you, birthday boy! -J.”
Davey pushed his chest up against Tyler’s back and whispered in his ear, “She’s nuts! But, I like this.”
“Stop!” Tyler grabbed the box and the note and made a beeline for the bedroom. He could feel the heat on his face from a blush.
Davey followed him into the bedroom. “Ty? What’s wrong? Surely, you can take a joke.”
Tyler dropped the package on their bed. “Yeah. I can. I just miss her.”
“Take a picture. Here.” Davey stretched his phone out, tapping through the settings for the camera.
“Join me.” Tyler pulled the dildo out of the box and held it up between them and Davey took a picture. “Let me see.”
Davey laughed, looking at it, then handed Tyler his phone. Davey had a silly grin on his face, making it look like they were having fun with Janie’s little, or rather big, present. He couldn’t help but laugh, too. He sent it to her, then sat the phone on the nightstand. “So, how about that birthday blowjob?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
His birthday had been so much better than any other, and not because of the awesome gifts, but because he got to spend it with Davey.
Final Race
Tyler flashed Davey a sign from the mechanic’s area that said, “2 laps to go.” He felt a lot more comfortable on the track where he was supposed to be, rather than up in the tower where Stewart now directed things. Since having the man back on the team officially, Davey’s races had only improved. Not even Regal could touch him, as he dominated the dirt. He had already locked in the championship and received the winner’s plate after the last race. Tyler would have thought he would relax a little, tone it down, but no, that wasn’t Davey. He didn’t know how to race without giving it his all. He powered through every lap as if he had ground to make up, even though he was in first where he belonged.
That kind of enthusiasm had Princeton begging him to come back to their team, but Davey only laughed at them. Maybe they had released Stewart from his contract early hoping to get Davey back on the team, or maybe they were afraid of Apex’s lawyers. Their reasons didn’t matter. Dropping Davey from the team for being gay simply could not be forgiven, no matter what else Princeton did. They were satisfied with Apex and the contract they had. With one more year to fulfill, everyone looked forward to the next season, but there was also a lot of talk about what they would all do after that.
Davey wanted to retire, but he couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Supercross and Tyler couldn’t even think about retiring. His career had just been launched. Tyler wanted to run a team, but if Davey retired, who would hire him on? He hoped he’d earned some respect despite his sexuality, but Apex had made sure they rubbed their relationship in everyone’s faces. Tyler knew that made some people resentful, though he still didn’t understand why anyone would give a damn about their personal sex life. Inevitably, they would get questions from press and fans, but mostly they ignored those kinds of questions. The main topic now was the wedding.
Tyler watched and cheered as Davey flew over the final jump, pumping his arm in the air. Tyler dashed around to the other side of the track to meet Davey at the podium. By the time he got there, Davey already had a headset on, answering questions. Two track girls were popping a bottle of champagne open and spraying it everywhere. When Davey saw Tyler walk up, he lunged forward and pulled Tyler up to the
podium with him.
“I love you, Ty!” he said, wrapping his arms around Tyler’s shoulders. Davey was sweaty and smelled musky and dirty and a little like motor oil. For some reason, Tyler especially liked that, and he leaned into Davey and looked up to meet his fierce gaze. Davey leaned down and pressed his lips to Tyler’s, shoving his tongue in his mouth and giving him an excited, passionate kiss. Tyler gave back what he felt from Davey. Behind them press, fans, riders, mechanics, and other crew team members hooted and hollered. Everything in the world seemed right and good. Tyler had never been happier.
Davey nuzzled under his ear and whispered, “Apex is just going to love that.”
Tyler chuckled. “I know I sure did.”
After the Season
Despite all odds, Davey took first for the season. Apex was thrilled. But the most important event in Tyler’s life was going to be held the next day. Janie was over helping Tyler and his mother get the last minute details together.
They were getting married.
Tyler smiled. He almost couldn’t believe it, except for the fact that they were going to have press there. He still had not quite gotten used to the media circus Apex insisted on. Being in front of the cameras and signing autographs had never been what Tyler had signed up for.
Their racing family including Angel, Stewart, Mickey, their drivers, bodyguards, and a few other racers and mechanics like Tate Jordan and even Andy would all be at the wedding. Tyler’s immediate family and Davey’s cousins, Dillon and Jessie, would also be there. Apex had sent a delegate or two and were paying for the reception—surprisingly. Tyler shook his head, amazed at how surreal this day had become.
Davey wouldn’t tell him the honeymoon plans. He had it all worked out and kept the location extremely secrete. Tyler was excited, but not because of where they were going. He just didn’t care, as long as he was with Davey. Two uninterrupted weeks with his lover, no his husband, would be absolutely perfect.