The Holeshot Page 25
“Sure, Davey. Probably have some of that dirt you were throwing around lodged in there.”
Davey bumped his shoulder into Tyler’s. “Okay, wise-guy.”
Tyler bumped him back. “As long as I’m your wise-guy.”
Davey wished he could spend a little more time cutting up with Tyler. The stress of the last few weeks felt like it was catching up to him. “The bike is definitely good, Ty. Massively powerful. It’s me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not getting enough training done between races. Especially, the week with my stupid foot up.”
“That was fun though,” Tyler chuckled.
Davey couldn’t argue with that. The creative sex they’d had all week long had been fabulous. It’d been nice to lay around, but it was not the norm, not for Davey. “Yeah. I loved every minute of it.” He grabbed Tyler’s shoulders pulling his body into Davey’s chest. “But this break coming up is all about training.”
“Did Tate say if he’s going to be there?”
Davey let Tyler go. “Yeah, said he was going to try to bring his boyfriend. If it works out, that’ll be cool. But, most of the week is going to be on the track.”
“I know. Riding and working out. I get it. Don’t worry.”
“I love you, Tyler. You are the best, baby.”
They made it to the pit area and started working on the bike. Tyler helped Mickey pull the plates. Stewart hung out at the RV with Luke and Tony and Pilot sat in the bike trailer reading a comic book. Broady had gone off to get sandwiches for lunch for everyone. “Hey, Ty! I gotta go back to the RV.”
“Can’t you wait for Broady?”
Davey huffed. “Nah, just send him there when he gets back. I’m not going anywhere near the KTM pit. Don’t worry. Just straight to the RV.”
“I don’t like it.” Tyler looked at him with concern in his eyes.
“No big deal. Seriously. Shannon is racing right now and Cole’s going to be harassing his mechanic because he finished sixth and has to run in the semi. No one’s going to mess with me.”
“Okay, but text me when you get there.”
Davey reluctantly agreed. He could do that much to put Tyler’s mind at ease. He had enough of putting up with babysitters, though. Broady and Pilot were cool, but they made him feel like a child.
He passed a couple of pits and came to Regal’s, the eGear Suzuki banner stretched across the top of his box. Chad had always been an alright guy, never overly friendly, but he was also Davey’s number one rival. They considered each other the man to beat. Surprisingly, Shannon and Cole were there with him, looking at his bike.
“Get lost, faggot!” Shannon sneered.
Davey held his hands up in front of him to say he wanted nothing to do with them and kept walking.
“That’s right. Run home to your cocksucking boyfriend!” Cole chimed in.
Davey thought for a minute he could just keep walking, but he felt them following and heard their boots scuffing the dirt behind him. One of them shoved his shoulder and he spun around to face them.
“We don’t need faggots here,” Shannon sneered and shoved Davey’s shoulder.
Davey wanted to stand up to the bastards, to push back, but no one else was around, not even Chad Regal. His team apparently didn’t want to get involved, or didn’t realize what was happening. “I don’t want trouble with you,” Davey said, holding his hands in front of him in a gesture of peace, as he tried to turn away from them.
Parker Shannon grabbed his arm and yanked him forward. “You’re not running off yet, faggot.”
Davey’s heart pumped double time, making him jittery. His throat burned as it closed up. He didn’t know what to do. People started gathering around them. Shannon shoved him into Cole, who shoved him again, causing him to trip over his feet. Several other racers laughed and urged them on. Davey didn’t know who they were, but they were dressed in gear, probably 250 riders.
Cole spit toward him, then sneered, “Not such a big shot here without everyone else around. Huh, track star?”
A commotion rippled in the crowd, but Davey didn’t want to take his eyes off Cole and Shannon. They tried to get on either side of him, but Davey didn’t want to turn his back to either of them.
Shannon shoved both his palms hard into Davey’s chest. “Faggot!” he yelled.
Cole grabbed his arm, and cocked back his fist, as if he were holding Davey still so he could punch him. Davey’s head filled with white noise and his mouth tasted like the dirt from the track.
Then, a blond head pushed through the crowd.
Tyler grabbed Cole’s fist and wrenched his arm backward. Shannon moved in toward Davey, but Tyler jumped at him, slinging Shannon to the ground. Tyler was all muscles and anger; he was Davey’s real life Superman.
Cole shook out his arm and got right in Tyler’s face. He stood a few inches taller than Tyler, but Tyler was wider and that width was solid muscle. Davey would know. Cole shoved him and spit flew from his mouth as he yelled. “Fucking cocksucking queer! Bend over so I can shove my foot up your ass, the way you like it. Faggot-pussy.”
“Get out of my face, Cole.” He shoved at Cole’s shoulders.
“You’re all talk pussy-boy!” Cole drew back and punched Tyler. Davey screamed as he watched, horrified, as Tyler’s head snapped back from the force. Before anyone could even move, Tyler lunged at Cole, knocking him to the ground. He straddled Cole around his ribs and punched him in the face, three times. He probably would have kept going, except that’s when Pilot and Broady showed up.
Pilot grabbed Tyler, pulling him off of Cole. Broady stepped in front of Davey, glaring at Parker Shannon, daring him to do anything. Shannon jumped to his feet, stalking toward Davey until he noticed Broady between them. Davey hadn’t even realized Shannon meant to come at him again. He’d been too wrapped up in Tyler’s fight with Cole.
“You better never put your fucking hands on my man again, Cole. I’ll fucking kill you!” Tyler screamed, as Cody Barret pulled Cole away from the scene.
Davey’s heart leapt. The way Tyler had protected him, made him feel safe and secure. Tyler would always have his back. The muscles in Tyler’s neck and shoulders bulged from his stress. Davey wanted to lick them. The thought made his cock pump up under his race pants.
Broady walked them to the RV. They sent Pilot back to watch over Mickey and the bike. When they got there, Stewart made Tyler stretch out on the couch and put ice on his jaw where Cole had hit him.
Davey squatted down on the floor beside him and ran his fingers through that curly blond hair. “You’re my hero, you know that?”
“I’ve been wanting to hit Cole for a long time.”
“I love it when you get all aggressive and protective.” Davey leaned in and kissed Tyler’s forehead.
“If he’d hit you, he’d be fucking dead. I wouldn’t have started with jerking him around. I would have just laid into the bastard.”
“I love you, baby.”
“I love it when you call me baby.”
“Baby, baby, baby!”
“What the fuck!” Angel yelled, as she stormed around the tower room. “What’s the fucking point of hiring bodyguards if they’re going to run off without them?” Angel wanted to kill something, she was so pissed. Instead, she took it out on Stewart. “This is un-fucking-believable.”
“Angel, baby, I know. Calm down.” Stewart only tried to help and she knew it, but she needed to get some of it out.
“I’m going to ream Davey a new one! So, don’t tell me to calm down. Fucking Cole Lindt. He’s lucky I didn’t show up!”
“What would you do?” Stewart laughed at her. He was either brave or stupid.
“I’d have his testicles mounted like a fucking bass!” Then, she laughed at herself.
“What does that even mean?” Stewart asked with a sly smile.
“I don’t know.” Angel threw her hands up, giving in to all of it. “I have to call Darla. This is way over the
line.” She tapped on her phone, dialing Darla’s number.
Darla answered on the second ring. “Hey, what’s up?”
“There’s been another incident. The KTM riders attacked Davey.”
“Make him wreck again?”
“No, off the track. They shoved him around. Tyler stepped in to break it up and Cole hit him.”
“Then, Tyler beat the shit out of Cole. I don’t think he’s going to the Main Event tonight.”
Angel heard a rustling like Darla was flipping through papers. “Okay. I’m calling the officials now. We’ll press charges on Monday, most likely.”
“Okay. Thanks Darla.”
“You are more than welcome. I guess I’ve been a bit too hands off where I was needed and too hands on where I wasn’t. I’ve been an ass. That’s over. I’m going to step up and give you some more help. I’ll call you back after I speak with the officials.”
Stewart pulled Angel into the comfort of his arms and kissed the top of her head. “You’re amazing and you’re doing a great job. Don’t let this get to you.”
Angel exhaled slowly. “I’m not.” Stewart made her feel more confident. With him by her side, Angel knew she could take on anything.
Davey lined his bike up. He exhaled slowly, trying to put everything else behind him and focus on the race.
“Davey, is it true man?” Tate Jordan lined up beside him.
“Yeah. Cole and Shannon are out of the Main Event tonight.”
“I heard they attacked you,” he said, pulling his goggles over his helmet.
“Yeah.” The race officials had put them out of the race and made an official announcement that any activity unbecoming on the track would be dealt with harshly.
“Dickheads,” Tate grumbled. “Listen, we’re definitely coming out to your place. I’ll be there Tuesday.”
“That’s great. Your boyfriend coming?” Davey perked up at the thought of his friend training with him over the break.
“I think so. Still working that part out. It’s hard for him to take off of work.”
“You’re both more than welcome.”
“Thanks. Goggles, McAllister.”
The racers around him lined up. Davey yanked his goggles on, pulled them in place and grabbed his handle bars. Without Cole and Shannon on the track, he was sure to have a great run.
During the Break
Angel tossed a salad together while Stewart grilled chicken breasts out by the pool. The boys would appreciate lunch being ready when they got back to the house. Davey, Tim, and Tate Jordan had spent most of the day out at the track and she expected them back soon. Tyler made himself busy working on his old bike in the garage. Since Tate’s boyfriend didn’t come along, Tyler seemed to keep the others at a distance. Angel wasn’t sure why. Tate seemed like a nice young man and Tyler got along well with Tim.
She took the huge bowl of salad out to the pool area, and put it on the table. Davey’s pool area was screened in, keeping the majority of flying insects out. A delicate breeze managed to get in, but Angel wouldn’t complain about that. Despite standing right next to the water, hot sweat dripped down her back and along her hairline and she seriously thought about jumping in.
“Hey, guys!” Tyler called.
“Hey! What’s up?” Stewart gave a shake of his tongs and a sip of his beer.
Tyler opened the decent sized refrigerator stocked with cold drinks next to the grill and pulled out a beer. “Want anything, Angel?”
“Water. Please.”
He brought her back a bottle of water and sat on the padded bench next to the table. There was seating for about six or seven, depending on how close you wanted to get around the table and six or seven additional lawn chairs, including two nice sized loungers around the rest of the pool. Angel sat next to Tyler on the bench, looking out over the water. “So, why aren’t you out at the track with the others?” she asked.
“Needed a break,” he shrugged flatly.
“Doesn’t have anything to do with Tate Jordan?” she asked, narrowing her eyes, suspiciously.
Tyler laughed. “No. I just felt like chilling out. Like I said, taking a break.”
“You work on Davey’s bike all the time. How is working on bikes taking a break?”
Tyler laughed and took a long swig of his beer before looking at her with a twinkle in his green eyes. “Believe me, Angel, it is.”
She shook her head. “Come on. Let’s get a dip in the pool before the boys get back.” She wanted Tyler to relax a little and a quick swim would be perfect, but she had ulterior motives as well in the form of the sweat dripping down her back. She had to cool off. She didn’t know how Stewart could stand in front of the grill so long without a care.
The water refreshed her quickly, and after splashing each other and swimming around a bit, the other guys showed up. All three of them approached the pool area barefoot and stripped down to their riding pants. The rest of their gear had probably been abandoned by the back door where Davey kept a ton of extra gear. He’d threatened to dress her up and drag her to the track, but as much as she loved the bikes and loved the sport, she was not about to get up on one of those death machines. She’d leave it to the pros.
Everyone loaded up their plates with chicken and salad. Tate and Davey skipped the dressing, but everyone else loaded it on. Angel dumped a load of Ranch dressing on her salad. “I’ll have extra to make up for you two,” she laughed.
Davey rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He was getting used to her teasing him about what he ate. She knew it must be hard to forego all the good stuff everyone else got to indulge in, so she tried to lighten it with humor.
Once everyone was digging in to their food, Angel cleared her throat. “I have some news,” she said, getting their attention. “I heard from Darla this morning.”
“That’s our sponsor, Apex,” Davey filled Tate in.
“Their lawyers filed assault charges against Parker Shannon and Cole Lindt,” she continued. “They’re also sending me paperwork for Tyler to sign.”
Tyler’s head popped up and he swallowed hard. “What paperwork?”
“They want you to sue KTM for firing you. We have several witnesses. Cody Barret, Mickey Hun, and a few others that were around.”
“I don’t know about this,” Tyler wiped his hands on a paper towel and set it down on top of his plate. She didn’t mean for him to lose his appetite.
“Listen,” she said, resting her palm on his forearm. “We don’t expect it to actually go anywhere. The lawyers said it’s mostly for additional ammunition. Extra bite, if you will. Along with the assault charges, plus this law suit. They’ll have to make some kind of deal to reel these guys in. Stop the harassment. Ultimately, that’s what we want, right?”
“Yeah,” Davey said. “I don’t want them to do jail time or anything like that. Just leave us the fuck alone.”
Tyler sighed and clasped his hands together in his lap. “I guess.”
Stewart chimed in, reassuring the guys. “Hey, they know what they’re doing. These are top notch lawyers. Let’s let them do their job and we can go back to doing ours.”
“Exactly,” Angel added.
Tyler agreed, but still seemed reluctant about it and Angel couldn’t blame him at all. They all just wanted to put the ugly mess behind them. With a little luck, the threats would stop as well, once the KTM officials realized what was really going on, they’d get a grip on their boys.
Her own boys, Tim and Tate included, finished their lunch and changed into swim trunks. They planned to spend the rest of the day in the pool. Tim would make them do laps, though. It wasn’t all play. Angel hoped they’d get a little fun in, but she had started to realize that what these guys did was their life, their passion and for them it was all fun, whether it was riding the bikes, working on them, or working out in the gym. Davey had told her once that the entire purpose of his father installing the pool in the first place was for him t
o add swimming to his workouts.
Stewart plopped down next to her on the bench and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Hey, Mama!” he said, teasing her.
“Oh sure. I never thought I’d be Mama to a bunch of grown men,” she snorted, making Stewart laugh.
He pulled her close and kissed her, sliding his tongue between her lips. Stewart was never big on public affection, even when it was just the team. It made their work life easier, and she was okay with keeping it behind closed doors. This kissing in front of everyone was new. She pulled away first. “What’s got into you, studly?”
Stewart laughed. “I feel at home. Relaxed.” He leaned in closer, breathing heavy in her ear and sending delicious tingles down her spine. “Plus, it turns me on when you get all mama-bear over the boys.”
Angel laughed. “You’re crazy!” She pushed him away, playfully. She didn’t care what was getting him worked up; she certainly planned to take advantage of it. Angel grabbed Stewart’s hand, and tugged at him. “Let’s go take a nap.”
Tyler woke up and stretched his hand out to find a cold, empty bed. Davey hadn’t woke him for their usual pre-workout sex, and that bugged him a lot more than it should. He bit down on his bottom lip, wondering what Davey was getting up to with Tate Jordan in the workout room. He could imagine Tate all sweaty, chest exposed, pumping iron. That had better be all he was pumping.
Tate had said his boyfriend couldn’t get off work to join them, but Tyler would never have let Davey go off and spend his break with a bunch of other hot guys without him. Then again, Tyler had never had a regular job and his breaks always coincided with Supercross. Still, he couldn’t imagine Davey going off without him. Maybe not understanding the other man left Tyler suspicious, but he wasn’t going to sit back and let anything happened, either, if that was Tate’s intentions. Davey had never been in another relationship. He was bound to be clueless about these things.
Tyler got out of bed and pulled on a pair of silky shorts that fell just above his knees and Davey’s Superman shirt, just to remind his lover of who they were to each other.