The Holeshot Read online

Page 16

  “I know, but just listen.” He leaned over to the side table and pulled out a long black box. It could only be a necklace or a watch. She felt a little bit better, since it wasn’t wrapped or anything. Just something about it not being wrapped made her feel it was less of a Christmas gift, and subsequently there was less pressure to reciprocate. Stewart cleared his throat, clutching at the gift. “I, uh. I want to…”

  “Spit it out, babe.”

  “I know we’ve been dating, seeing each other, but I want to make it, you know exclusive. Boyfriend-girlfriend, commitment.”

  “I thought we were already exclusive.”

  “Yeah, but I want to make it official. So, this is like that. To make it official. A promise for a greater commitment. I know we aren’t ready for marriage, but I need something more than we’ve been.”


  Stewart opened the box. He held it out to show her. The silver necklace looped through a miniature diamond ring pendant. It was simple, elegant, and a little unusual. “Oh, Stewart. It’s beautiful.”

  “Here.” He picked it up out of the box to fasten it around her neck. She lifted her hair and turned to give him access. “Angel. I love you.”

  Emotion swirled through her. She hadn’t thought about their relationship enough. She certainly liked him a lot, but did she love him? She was willing to take the relationship a step further. She let him put this symbol of love around her throat. She could almost imagine making a life with him. Maybe. Maybe. She took a deep breath and as she let it out, she searched her heart. “Damn if I don’t love you too.” She leaped into his arms and kissed him deeply, loving the feel of his arms around her back. She pulled away and looked at him. “This is just right.”

  She snuggled back on the couch against him, letting him wind his fingers through her long hair.

  “I have an idea.”

  Angel giggled. She was getting used to Stewart coming up with off the wall shit at bizarre times. Here they were in a romantic situation, probably the most deeply romantic they’d been in since they started seeing each other, and he was probably thinking of work. “What, babe?”

  “Davey will be going to visit his cousin before New Year’s. We should totally have some photos done.”

  She knew it had something to do with Davey. “His cousin?” she asked, curiously.

  “Dillon. He makes sure he visits at least a few times a year. He was a racer.”

  “Was a racer?”

  “Had an accident. He’s paralyzed now. But, when he was racing, he was totally Davey’s hero. He’s the one that got Davey into dirt bikes to begin with. Shit, he had Davey on a bike when he was three years old.”

  “Wow. That must have been devastating for him.”

  Stewart pulled her in closer and nuzzled into her hair and neck. “Yes it was. I’ll call him tomorrow. Let’s go to bed. I have another idea.”

  Angel thought she’d love this new idea a lot more than the photo shoot.


  Davey learned that if he made love to Tyler before working out, he could actually get his workout done without a raging hard-on slowing him down. He was on his last few minutes of his run on the treadmill, but his mind started wandering back to his fiancé lying in their bed, well fucked and snuggling into his pillow. His cock started rising and he knew he was finished with his run. Thankfully, it hadn’t been too short.

  He stopped the treadmill and walked around the gym to get his heart rate down. He would have to learn how to stay focused. His workouts were too important. If he wasn’t in top physical shape, he wouldn’t have the power and stamina needed to push his 450 around the track. He needed to take the championship this season. It had to happen.

  His cell chirped out the “Bossy,” ring tone. It had to be important for Stewart to call during his workout time. He answered, “‘Sup?”

  “Proposition for you?”

  “Couldn’t wait till this afternoon? You know I’m in the gym.” He picked up a bottle of water, sucking it down.

  “Sorry, but it was on my mind and yeah, kind of important here.”

  He sat the water back on the bench. “Fine.”

  “I want to do a photo shoot when you go see Dillon.”

  “No. Hell no. I’m taking Tyler with me.”

  “Well, I think you’re missing a good opportunity if you don’t. Angel thinks it’ll be great.”

  Davey sat down on his weight bench. Stewart’s timing was completely strategic. He made the call when he was relatively confident Tyler wouldn’t be around. “This is bullshit, Stew.”

  “Huh. As glad as I am that you’ve gotten some backbone since hanging with Tyler, you still have responsibilities and this is one of them. We can make sure Tyler stays in the background and doesn’t get in any of the shots. Come on.”

  Davey thought about it. He did indeed need some good publicity shots. He knew Dillon wouldn’t mind at all. The key would be compromise. “Okay. I’ll do it, but I have conditions.”

  “What?” Stewart sounded truly exasperated.

  “Only Angel. No other photographers. No lighting assistants. No assistants at all. Only Angel and her camera. That’s the only way I’m doing it.” Davey trusted her, but anyone else would be a no go if Tyler was around. There was no way he was going to jeopardize his relationship by knowingly adding potential threats to Tyler’s career. Davey didn’t give a shit about how it would impact his own career, only Tyler mattered to him.

  “Fine. I’m sure she’ll go for that. Deal?”

  “Yeah. I’ll call Dill and let him know.”

  “Great. Thanks, Davey.”

  “Stewart?” He was going to spill his news.

  “What?” he answered, sounding irritated. Davey could understand. Stewart had gotten used to compliance and these past few months had been different.

  “I have another condition or rather a favor.” He could almost see Stewart squirming over the uncertainty Davey kept throwing at him.

  “Fuck! What?”

  “Well, I asked Tyler to marry me,” he paused waiting for the reaction. Stewart remained silent. “So, maybe after, Angel could take some shots of us? Like for our engagement announcement?”

  “What the fuck? Are you kidding me?” Stewart blew up.

  Davey tried to calm him down. “Private announcement, Stew, private.”

  He heard a lot of cussing from the other end of the call. “What the hell are you doing? What? Oh my God. Don’t you think this is a bit soon?”

  “Uh, no. We want to be together.” He held his hand in the air, shrugging, even though Stewart couldn’t see him.

  “You’ve barely been seeing each other for six months. Damn, Davey. Think about this,” he suggested, sounding a bit more like himself, though his voice still sounded shaky. Davey normally wouldn’t disrupt Stewart’s well planned strategies this much, but Stewart’s reaction made things interesting. Davey could get used to upsetting his manager, particularly if it meant having Tyler in his life more.

  “I’m not getting any younger, Stewart. I know what I want. I love him and we are getting married. So, will you ask Angel or what?” Davey almost laughed at Stewart’s response. He was just glad that Stewart’s fussing wasn’t because Tyler was a guy. Stewart didn’t seem to be homophobic at all. How fast their relationship had progressed and the need to keep it private made Stewart frustrated and worried.

  “Brad is planning on inviting another trainer with him next week. Tyler still going to be there?” Stewart asked, instead of answering Davey’s question.

  “Yes. He lives here full time now. Brad might as well be brought in on it. Who’s the trainer?”

  “I don’t fucking know! Call Brad.”

  Davey felt bad for how much he pushed Stewart, but it was his life, not Stewart’s. “Anyone else showing up?”

  “Not that I know of, but you need a plan.”

  “Think I have one! Relax.”

  When they hung up, Davey actually felt better than he had before
the call. He couldn’t wait to see his cousin, though he hated that it would become some big production, but he trusted Angel to keep their secrets. He flipped through his contacts. He needed to call Dillon.


  Angel couldn’t wipe the smugly satisfied smile off her face. The photo session at Dillon’s rocked. He had a very nice estate and she took a lot of outdoor shots of Dillon and Davey. They had Dillon’s old dirt bike behind them in a few shots. Some had the guys sitting together, and others had Davey pushing Dillon in his wheel chair along the walkway in the back of his house. The set Angel liked best turned out to be the ones of all of them fooling around playing basketball with Dillon in a sporty chair. It seemed as if his paralysis barely held him back at all. He beat Davey in a game of one on one that ended with Davey flat out on his back and laughing hysterically.

  She took a lot of pictures of Davey and Tyler as well. Those she would keep private. She planned on using some of them for a wedding present for them. Some she would just send to Davey. It had all turned out rather nicely. Dillon had a vibrant personality as charismatic as his cousin Davey, and she was thrilled to be invited to lunch once she’d finished with the photo shoot.

  Davey and Tyler had decided to spend the night there with Dillon, but she would be driving back to the airport with Stewart later that afternoon. She had a lot to do out in California over the next few weeks to get ready for the racing season. She had signed on to photograph Davey’s entire season. Part of that happened because of Stewart’s negotiations with his bosses. While thankful for the opportunity, she was more impressed Stewart wanted her close and had gone out of his way to do whatever he had to in order to make it happen. She didn’t know what would happen at the end of the season, but she planned on taking full advantage of the time with Stewart while she could. The first race kicked off in the middle of January and that was coming up fast.

  She glanced through a few of her last shots, then packed up her camera, before joining the others. They gathered in Dillon’s dining room around a huge wooden circular table. Dillon had slid out of his wheel chair and into a higher model that had been designed to let him eat at the main table with everyone else. The dining room along with the rest of the house had a simple, unpretentious country style. They ate grilled chicken and veggies, salad, and fruit and cheese. Everything was light and healthy, obviously taking Davey’s dietary restrictions into account. Angel wondered if Brad had called ahead to arrange the right food. She certainly wouldn’t put it past the tenacious coach.

  “So, Angel,” Dillon asked, grabbing her attention. “What the hell are you doing with this scum-bucket?” Everyone laughed, as he jabbed his thumb toward Stewart.

  “Funny, Dill. Very. Fucking. Funny.” Stewart joked right back, not taking any offense.

  Angel’s answer was a bit more serious. She fingered her necklace thinking about what she was doing with him. “Well, you know, he kind of grows on you. What can I say? I’m in love.” She shrugged, surprised at her own admission.

  Davey’s mouth dropped open. “Are you shitting me? That’s so cool.”

  Stewart thumped his shoulder. “Mind your own business, lover boy.”

  “I think it’s great,” Tyler said. His voice was soft, sultry. The boy was simply charming. She could see why Davey had fallen so hard for the captivating, green-eyed blond.

  “Thanks, Ty.” She leaned across Davey and put her hand on his arm. “At least one of you guys is decent. Maybe I should have fallen for you? Hm?” She teased and laughed when Tyler’s eyes flew wide.

  “Yeah, that would not be a good idea,” he laughed.

  “You guys do make a cute couple,” Dillon said. They had told him about their engagement when they first arrived. At first he was upset because he hadn’t even known they were seeing each other. He hadn’t even known Davey was gay. Apparently, Davey never dated anyone. Dillon had eventually laughed and said he would be less surprised if they’d told him Davey was going to marry his dirt bike. Angel was pleased that the man took it all in stride after the initial shock and he seemed to genuinely like Tyler. “It’s going to be like having another little brother!” Dillon added, referring to his close relationship with Davey. “We should have invited Jessie over.” The three cousins were the last of their family. She wasn’t surprised to hear him say that, but Davey and Tyler practically choked.

  Tyler laughed heartily. “I’ve met Jessie.”

  Davey bit at his lower lip. Stewart had mentioned that he had something to do with their big breakup a few months back.

  “Oh yeah?” Dillon asked. “Tell me. Come on, spill it.”

  “Right, so,” Tyler started, nudging Davey’s shoulder. “He answered Davey’s door, practically naked. Really pissed me off.”

  “Naked?” Dillon’s mouth hung open with shock.

  Davey growled, “He wasn’t naked. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but he had on swim trunks. We were swimming.”

  “Just hope you weren’t swimming with him like you swim with me,” Tyler teased. She could see the humor light up his eyes. Obviously, he had gotten over it.

  Davey grumbled under his breath and pulled Tyler close and bit at his ear. “Shut it, lover,” he barked.

  Tyler laughed, and everyone else joined him. You almost couldn’t help but laugh with the cherub.

  Angel loved these guys. Tyler had already become like a little brother to her, and she had already adopted Davey in her mind when she had started falling in love with Stewart. She knew he loved that boy way beyond their working relationship. Stewart would do anything for Davey. She admired that, but it scared her as well. She could see things going bad for him, for all of them, if this relationship got out to the public. Being his personal photographer would help. She could make sure only the right photos got out. None with Tyler in them. None. She’d be damned if she let anyone ruin their happiness.


  Davey’s training had become intense the week before the first race. It always happened. This year was a little different because of Tyler, but that only made it better. Davey pushed himself harder than ever. Whether he pushed so hard to impress Tyler or just to make sure he did everything in his power to win, so that they could have their own life without judgment, he wasn’t sure. It didn’t matter, though; he could see the results.

  Brad had been back at The Ranch for the last few days and he was completely okay with Davey’s relationship with Tyler. They needed to bring in a new trainer, though. He was due to arrive any minute and would stay the rest of the week. He specialized in performance on the track, which happened to be what Davey needed most, but they needed him to keep Davey and Tyler’s relationship confidential, not even telling the Princeton executives. Davey and Brad decided they should have a discussion with him before they started training. If he wouldn’t keep their secret, they’d be in a world of hurt.

  They’d planned for Tyler to be in Gallup while they had their first meeting. He needed that haircut and would pick up some groceries in case everything worked out. They could grill chicken and steaks to celebrate or commiserate, whichever way it went.

  The buzz from the front gate interrupted his thoughts and sent a bout of nausea through him, churning up his stomach. He braced himself and walked to the front door and pressed the com button. “Good morning.”

  “It’s Tim. Tim Albright. Here for Davey McAllister.”

  “Yeah, buzzing you in. Come on up to the main house.” He pressed the release for the gate, and his stomach rolled again. He didn’t want to vomit.

  Brad rubbed his shoulder. “Get a grip, Davey. It’s going to be fine.” He handed Davey a bottle of water.

  Soon enough, a white SUV pulled into the drive. Davey opened the door and waived as the tall, thin man got out of the driver side. He had short dark hair, cut professionally. His face was long with a long nose and very thin lips. He reached out his hand, and Davey shook it, noticing how his long fingers stretched around Davey’s hand. “Come on in.”

sat at the dining room table. “We have to talk about a few things before we can get started,” Davey jumped in. He needed the uncertainty over with, needed his nervousness to stop making him sick to his stomach.

  “Sure okay.”

  Brad put his hand on Davey’s shoulder, as if to tell him to relax and let him handle it. “We have a delicate situation here. If you’re not okay with it, we won’t be able to train with you. I value what you can bring to the team, and I hope this won’t be a problem, but it might be. So, let’s get it out of the way.”

  Davey stood up straight and crossed his arms over his chest. He wasn’t embarrassed and he wouldn’t feel bad for it. “My fiancé lives here and I need to ensure our relationship stays absolutely private.”

  “That’s not a problem. I work for you. I certainly have no interest in spreading personal information around.” He seemed genuine, but that was only one step.

  “There’s more,” Davey took a breath. “I’m gay, and Tyler, my fiancé, works for another driver. He’s a mechanic.”

  “Oh.” His eyes went wide, but he didn’t say anything.

  “What part are you having trouble with?” Brad asked him.

  “Oh! I’m not. I’m just surprised. Uh, I’m gay, too. So, that’s not a problem. Look I can keep my mouth shut.”

  Davey smiled. This trainer could work well with him without putting too much pressure on Tyler. “Okay, now I’m surprised.” He winked at Tim. “So, no hitting on my man, either. Deal?” He stuck his hand out.

  Tim shook it, blushing. “Of course. Now let’s gear up. I want to see your track.”

  A huge blue sky sat on top of the flat expanse of Gallup. The historic center of town had old brick buildings painted with colorful signs meant to attract tourists. They even had a cultural center in the middle of town, but Tyler had no idea what type of culture they housed there. It took him some scouting around but he eventually found a grocery store and a Subway shop.