The Holeshot Page 13
Davey gave his lover a little smirk, then pulled him up in his arms. “I want to make love to you before breakfast.”
“How about a shower first? You’re all sweaty.” His nose crinkled up in a playfully teasing grimace.
“Does that bother you?”
Tyler laughed. Davey tried to imprint the lovely sound into his memory. “No, it’s sexy as hell. See?” He humped his hard cock into Davey’s thigh.
“God, you sexy thing. Come on.” He had to have his lover.
They dashed for the shower. Davey slicked his cock up with baby oil and pushed Tyler’s hands up against the wall. He slid in without a condom for the first time, and the silky feel of the oil along Tyler’s channel had his balls pulling up tight and tingly. He held still for a very long moment.
A strangled sound came out of his mouth. “Yeah, you feel too good.” Once he finally calmed down, he made love to Tyler with hard, furious pounding. Tyler shot off his load against the shower wall without Davey even stroking his cock.
“Fuck, fuck,” Tyler growled as he came. His ass tightened so hard, it pushed Davey over his limit, right behind him. He gripped Tyler’s hips harder and came with white lightning flashing behind his eyes.
When he finally pulled out, he braced himself against the shower wall with one hand, and let the other stroke down Tyler’s ass and thigh. He immediately missed the intimate skin on skin connection of being inside his lover. Cum trickled down the inside of Tyler’s thigh, looking so sexy. It felt like a mark of ownership, a claiming. How many ways could he claim this man? He wanted them all. He wanted to ask Tyler not to leave him ever, to move in with him, live with him. Yet, he was terrified that Tyler would freak out and run off. He didn’t want to scare his lover away, especially after Tyler had asked him to meet his family, just last night.
Tyler turned around and slid into Davey’s arms. His wet hair looked darker than normal and water dripped down his pert face. He kissed the top of Tyler’s head. “I love you, Ty.”
“Mmm. Love you, too.”
After their shower, they made love again and then headed out to the pool. Davey brought a tray of fruit and yogurt out and they ate and played in the water.
“So, how was your workout?” Tyler laughed, splashing Davey.
Davey grabbed his arms and pulled him up close. Tyler’s green eyes glittered lightheartedly. “It sucked,” Davey grumbled.
“Couldn’t stop thinking about you. Hard to run popping an erection the size of the empire state building.”
“Good.” Tyler pulled away and splashed him again and Davey was after him. They wrestled and played in the water. Then they raced, swimming laps across the pool. After a few hours, hunger set in again, and they went in to make a salad.
Davey grilled chicken breasts in his George Forman griller and Tyler cut up veggies and tossed them in a bowl. They were just about to sit down and eat, when the doorbell rang. Tyler’s eyes grew wide in panic.
“Relax,” Davey said. “It’s Stewart. No one else has the gate code.” He could see Tyler holding his breath, and looking like he wanted to dart off. “He already knows about us, Ty,” he said, trying to be reassuring, as he headed toward the door.
As suspected, it was Stewart. He leaned in and gave Davey a one armed hug and a strong pat on the shoulder. “Just wanted to come check on you, man.”
“We’re just about to eat lunch. Join us?” Davey asked, walking Stewart into the dining room
Stewart stared at Tyler hard. Poor Tyler’s lips pursed together so hard they turned white. His eyes were huge, green saucers. He was terrified. “So, this is why the two weeks off?” Stewart glared, accusingly.
“Yeah. So?” Davey asked.
Stewart gave Tyler another hard look.
“Knock it off, Stew. If you can’t deal with it, leave.”
Stewart pulled out a chair and sat down. “Let’s eat.”
Davey had never known the man to turn down a meal for anything. He rolled his eyes and served up salad and chicken to all three of them. He glanced over at Stewart, who was forking through the lettuce.
“Why are you really here?” Davey asked.
“You know me too well, Davey.” He stabbed a huge piece of chicken and a tomato and popped it in his mouth.
Tyler ate quietly, barely looking up from his plate. Davey hated that Stewart made his lover uncomfortable. He could see the stress in Tyler’s tight jaw and forehead. “Yeah. So?” He needed Stewart to get to the point fast.
“Remember Angel?”
“The photographer?” Tyler asked.
“Uh, yes.” Stewart’s gaze landed on Tyler again, and Davey hated how it made Tyler squirm. “I’d like her to come here and do a photo shoot.”
“No.” Davey would not let the sanctity of his private home be invaded with a camera crew.
“It won’t kill you.”
Tyler spoke up. “Maybe she could do some shots down at your track?”
Stewart shook his head. “No, we want something more personal. We want to show your fans a little more human side of you. There’s almost never any photos of you that aren’t at the track, in your gear.”
“So, Chad freaking Regal proposed to his girlfriend after he stole your race.” Stewart pointed the tines of the fork at him. “He’s all personal.”
“I’m not playing nice for the cameras. Tyler is my personal life, and I’m not sharing that.”
“You better the hell not share that.” To his credit, Stewart didn’t raise his voice, but Davey could still hear his frustration. He had to get this conversation on a different track before Tyler bolted.
“Look. Have her come to the training camp in Jacksonville.”
Tyler looked up so fast, his head practically snapped. “What camp in Jacksonville?”
“I’m doing this intense training thing. Brad got me in. It’s in a few weeks. Angel can come then and take pictures of them hooking up all those machines to me. Fans will dig that.”
Stewart cocked his head to the side, thinking about it.
Tyler asked, “What kind of machines?” His eyes looked worried, concerned. It made Davey smile.
“Checking heart rate and breathing and stuff, very high tech.”
“Cool,” Tyler muttered, then dug back into his salad.
“Fine, okay. I’ll let Angel know.”
“Stewart? How come your face lights up every time you say her name?” Davey asked.
“Fuck you.”
“You like her!” Davey teased.
Tyler laughed. “She’s hot in her own way, and very nice.”
Stewart shot another dark look at Davey’s lover. “How do you know?”
“She approached me, asking about Davey. Uh, in Atlanta.”
Stewart stood up. He looked panicked.“What did you tell her?”
Davey sighed. He didn’t need this crap.
“I told her she was out of her mind, and I left. Don’t worry. I’m not going to be what outs Davey. I’m not outing myself. But, your girlfriend was a bit persistent and overly observant.”
“She won’t out you, Davey.” Stewart now looked contrite. At least he sat back down.
Davey stared at Tyler, who avoided eye contact with either of them. He needed to change the subject. “Ty? Why don’t we get together in Florida before the training? For like a couple days? Hell, I have a condo in Clearwater. It’ll be fun.”
“Whatever you want, Davey,” he answered without looking up.
Stewart mumbled something under his breath, and Davey decided this lunch had about come to an end. “Yeah, that’ll be cool. Then, Christmas at your mom’s house. The rest of the time, I’ll be in strict training until the season starts. So, I want as much time with you as I can get. Please?”
Tyler answered, “I said sure.”
“Christmas at his parent’s house?” Stewart asked at the same time. “This isn�
��t just some fling, is it? You’re serious?”
“No. Not some fling,” Davey answered. “Maybe it started out that way, but I don’t even think that’s true. This is something serious, so deal with it.” He stared Stewart down. Once again, he had to remind himself that Stewart worked for his main sponsor, not him, and even though he considered Stewart a friend, there were limits. “Is that going to be a problem?”
Stewart wiped his face with a napkin and set it on the table, staring at Tyler the entire time.
“I’d appreciate it if you’d stop making Tyler feel uncomfortable.” Davey was over it.
“He’s not. I’m fine,” Tyler said, but Davey knew better.
“Hey,” Stewart said, leaning back in his chair. “Okay. Sorry. Listen. I see you two are a lot more serious than I thought. I’m just concerned. You know? That’s sort of my job. This needs to stay under wraps or in the closet or whatever you want to call it. The media would tear you up if they knew and so would the other racers and your sponsors. I know you’re a rich kid, but not that rich.”
“Not yet,” Davey said, scowling at his manager. They both knew that he wouldn’t get access to the bulk of his father’s fortune until he turned thirty. He’d need sponsors at least until then. He might have enough to partially sponsor a team, if it came to it, but it wasn’t nearly enough for what was needed to get through even one season. The costs of running a successful Supercross team tended to be outrageous.
Tyler cut a quick look at Davey. He wondered how much his lover knew about his wealth and how much he cared. The press certainly leaked what they could find out whenever they got the chance, but he’d never kept up with it.
“Look,” Tyler said. “I’m not going to jeopardize either of our careers. So, unless it’s totally private, like this, it’s not happening. Okay?”
Stewart nodded. The conversation ended, and Davey was simply relieved they managed to all come to some kind of truce.
Angel picked up her phone, seeing Stewart’s picture pop up on her caller ID. “Hey, baby.”
“We have to talk.” Stewart’s voice sounded shaky, unsure.
“Uh, sure. ‘Bout what?”
“Tyler Whitmore. That’s what. I hoped Davey would be over the kid by now, but it looks like he’s not. They’re serious.”
“Is that a bad thing?” She didn’t think so, except that it would be a dangerous thing and she knew it.
“He won’t let you come to the house for a photo shoot because Whitmore is there.”
She wouldn’t let it dissuade her. “Fine. We’ll do something else.”
“Sure, the Jacksonville thing. He’s got a training camp and you’ll have full access. So, that’s fine, but Angel, babe, part of your job is making sure this thing with Whitmore stays private, top-secret, even. It just can’t get out.”
“I understand, and I’m sure the boys do, too.”
“You don’t get it.”
Angel was losing patience with his attitude. It wouldn’t be the first time secret relationships were kept out of the media. She could handle it. “What?”
“They’re serious. I mean it. Davey was so defensive. I think he’s, he’s…”
“What? Spit it out.”
“Fuck! He’s in love with this boy.”
Angel laughed. “Seriously, Stew, honey, that should make it easier not harder. Relax. I’ve got this.”
On Tyler’s last day at The Ranch, Davey had woke him up with a morning woody, and thoroughly fucked him before heading down to his gym. The two weeks they spent together had been fabulous. They rode bikes, swam, and Tyler joined Davey in his gym a few times. They ate good food, much healthier than Tyler was used to, and he felt great, physically. Lying alone in Davey’s bed on this final day had him feeling down, melancholy, as his mother would say.
His mother tended to be old-fashioned. She didn’t like to hear about Tyler’s dates and being gay, but he also knew she loved him and she would absolutely love Davey. She seemed to be loosening up since she had started dating this new guy, anyway. That couldn’t be a bad thing and Tyler couldn’t wait to bring Davey home for Christmas. He loved that he wouldn’t be letting his lover be alone during the holidays, as well. He just didn’t want to leave him alone now. He wanted to stay longer, but they both knew nothing good would come from thinking like that.
The morning sun lit up the room, and some kind of jay clicked and cawed outside the window, keeping him from going back to sleep. Tyler forced himself out of the Davey-scented bed, wishing he could take Davey’s pillow home with him. He pulled on his shorts and Davey’s Silver Surfer T-shirt. It smelled like Davey all warm and woodsy. It fit a bit tight across Tyler’s shoulders, but he didn’t care. He wanted to keep as much closeness to Davey as he could.
Puttering around in Davey’s kitchen, he decided to make pancakes. It wouldn’t kill Davey to have one last treat before he left. Besides, Tyler didn’t cook much, and he wanted to make breakfast for his lover once before he had to go. He whipped up a batch and cut up the last of the fresh melons and strawberries. Along with piping hot coffee, his meal was ready at almost the exact time Davey came in from the hall that lead to his gym.
“Holy shit. Pancakes?” he asked, eyes lighting up and making Tyler wish he could see that look on his face every day for the rest of his life.
“Yep,” Tyler answered, handing Davey a cup of coffee, just the way he liked it with a small dab of half and half. “Wanted to do something for you.” He swallowed back the rest of his thoughts; he didn’t want to say he was leaving. They both knew it.
“Thanks. Let me wash my face.” Davey’s eyes traveled all over Tyler, and he wondered what Davey thought about it all.
Davey scarfed down breakfast, devouring both the pancakes and the fruit. He even indulged in a second cup of coffee. “I’ll clean up later,” he said when they were done. Tyler knew Davey meant after Tyler left. Neither of them wanted to waste their last minutes together with dishes. Davey laced his fingers through Tyler’s hand and led him to the living room. “Thank you.”
“For what? Pancakes were nothing.”
“That and everything. For trusting me, loving me. I…I don’t want you to go.”
Tyler leaned in and kissed him. “I don’t want to go. But, it’s not a good idea for me to stay.”
Davey’s bottom lip poked out, adorably. Normally Tyler was the one that pouted, not Davey. “Why?”
“We’ve been over this. Let’s, don’t.” Tyler leaned in for another kiss. He didn’t want to spend their last day arguing. “I’ve had a lot of fun. I loved riding with you. I loved working on your bikes and I love making love with you.” His last words pulled Davey even closer. Their lips and tongues locked, hands roamed each other’s bodies, as if they’d never be allowed to touch again.
“Damn. I can’t get enough of you. Ever.” Davey pulled Tyler’s shorts down and then his own. A bottle of KY was still on the coffee table from earlier that week, and he grabbed it, spilling it onto his fingers. Tyler knew they were going to make love right there in the living room, in front of the fireplace, in front of Davey’s mounted 250 bike, in the center of Davey’s world. He wished it never had to end. He loved the routine they had fallen into and he agreed with Davey. He only wanted more.
He let Davey take him over the back of the couch. He tried to memorize the feel of his lover inside him to remember after they parted, even knowing it would be imperfect. Every stroke of Davey’s cock inside him rubbed against his prostate, bringing him to the edge of his orgasm much quicker than he wanted. Yet, it felt so good like a blissful slice of heaven. When Davey finally reached around his hip to grab Tyler’s cock, it only took the slightest tug to set him off. He came all over the back of the couch, leaving one more mess for Davey to clean up later.
The two-hour drive back to the airport felt like ten hours, but not a good ten hours. Davey drove quietly. Tyler kept his hand on Davey’s thigh, and just let him be quiet.
He knew how Davey felt; it was just as hard for him, but he didn’t think Davey understood that. Tyler had been the one to put on the breaks throughout their entire relationship even though he’d never been in that situation before. Normally, Tyler’s relationships ended because he wasn’t in town long enough, following Supercross from coast to coast half the year.
He searched for the words to make things better, but he could only think of three. He took a deep breath. “Davey. I love you. I really love you.”
Davey didn’t answer him for a long while. “Baby, I just.” Davey bumped his fist against the steering wheel.
“I know, Davey. But, this isn’t over. It’s only beginning. It’s only a month until Clearwater, right?”
“So, stop pouting.” He heard Davey snort, and he had to smile. Damn, he loved that man. “I love you.”
This time Davey answered right away. “I love you too, baby.”
Tyler spent the next week piddling around the house and trying to ignore Janie. She was elated about this new guy she was dating. She squealed like the girl she was every time the man called her. She went out with him a lot, but Tyler turned her down every time she asked him to join them. He wasn’t up to watching them together when Davey was so far away. It would only pour more heartache on his misery. The only time he was happy was when he was FaceTiming with Davey, and that wasn’t enough.
His trainers kept Davey on a tight schedule, working out and getting real practice in on the track. Brad had joined him at the Ranch and his sponsor, Princeton, had sent folks out to work on his track and on his bike.
Tyler was extremely jealous. He wanted to be there. He wanted to talk to Davey whenever he felt like it, not just at the end of the day when he was finally alone. On the other hand, he was happy that Davey wasn’t moping around in that big house by himself.
Tyler was also bored. He flung himself on his bed and stared at the sketch he’d been messing with. He’d been using red and blue colored pencils on this depiction of Davey’s bike, and he eyed the effects carefully.
Janie pounded on his door. “Get out here, Ty!” She sounded pissed.